Friday March 14, 2025 2:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Welcome to the Cretacious Era and Grevakc—a land of dinosaurs and danger, of myth and science, of hope and despair. Once upon a time in the far, far future, Space and Time Interglobal (usually just called SATI) sent thousands of people back to this era. But then the time travel stopped working, and those people were trapped (or perhaps abandoned) here. That was all generations ago. Now you’re exploring an old SATI site. It’s been like others you’ve uncovered, filled with interesting things from the future and from the past. Nothing truly astonishing—until that blue cylinder turned up. This is something new—a technologically advanced message, and it’s calling for help. It’s time to take your dinosaur companion and go on a mission of rescue! This adventure is set in the Predation campaign setting—a little bit science fiction, a little bit post-apocalypse, and a whole lot of dinosaurs!
Friday March 14, 2025 2:00pm - 6:00pm EDT

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