Deep below the earth of Iron Country stand the gates to Hell. And yesterday, they were opened. At least, that’s what Grant Sedley’s been saying. Last week, Grant reported seeing a “large demonic beast” in and around the Soothill Mine. No one took him very seriously, but two days later people started disappearing. Yesterday, a body was found: headless, eviscerated, and propped up at the entrance to the mine. A warning? Or an invitation of sorts?
This is an interactive opportunity - Gio is an industry artist and will review your work, or specs, and offer guidance or recommendations to support your project.
There's been a murder in Last Pine! Stored away in the basement of the Ontonagon Historical Society are a half dozen wax sculptures of historical Ontonagon figures — leftovers from a failed exhibit in the 1970s. While organizing the store room, volunteer Maribelle Pine stumbled upon something horrifying: the statue of Last Pine's most famous founder, Albert Delcroix — his head nowhere to be found and a crescent-shaped hole carved in his chest!
Dirtbags! is a rules-lite, cinematic sci-fi shooter RPG. Players, known as dirtbags, take on the role of convicts in a corporate-run dystopian world, coerced into the Military Foundation’s Rehabilitation Incentive Program (R.I.P.) with the promise of freedom and reintegration. Forced to endure relentless tours of duty, Dirtbags are expendable, thrown at every problem imaginable—from distant alien bug infestations and scab pirates to suicidal salvage missions, courier work, and anything else the Corporate Echelon demands.